casual _

O Cartaz

Só faltam as músicas

5 Responses to “O Cartaz”

  1. # Anonymous Anónimo

    The Casuals

    "There's been quite a bit of buzz surrounding them recently and the more I hear, the more I want to see what all the fuss is about. The first three bands to play just drift by in a haze of anticipation - and it's obvious that I'm not the only one allowing them to meander by.

    They've been hailed as one of the best unsigned bands to emerge recently. To say that the arrival of The Casuals may change the face of rock music is an understatement. A bold statement to make, I know, but these four Glaswegian boys are really in a league of their own. I wasn't disappointed.

    Put simply, it's just down right dirty rock n' roll that makes you want to hurl yourself around and hope for the best. None of the fluffy keyboards or electronics that seem to have taken over these days. Lyrical talent is evident from the word go, killer riff-driven rock (Good People), lyric driven power pop (Mister Mystery) all delivered with the minimum of fuss. By the time The Casuals were belting out their fourth track, there was a definite state of semi-hysteria amongst the audience. Everybody was dancing around and throwing their fists in the air. It's something I haven't seen in a long time. For four boys who are just about old enough to legally buy a pint, I'd say that's pretty good going

    The Casuals have created a sound that manages to find the rare distinction between youthful energy and a songwriting maturity that belies their tender years. I could sit here and draw comparisons to The Stone Roses or Zeppelin, but I won't. Their talent stands up on its own. They stride the middle ground between the fearlessness of youth and the wisdom of a band who've experienced the darker side. Quite frankly, they've blown me away. It's not often that a band can do that.

    Somebody better sign these guys. Their music should be out there for the masses to enjoy. The sooner the better I say. All hail the arrival of The Casuals"  

  2. # Anonymous Anónimo

    Vou de Férias.
    Os "The casuals" ficam em águas de bacalhau até se perceber bem quem forma os primeiros, nós ou eles.

    THEN THE NAME ainda é opção.

    Den, vamos falando, na pior das hipóteses em parede de coura

  3. # Anonymous Anónimo

    Gosto do nome.. bem escolhido!

    Fico à espera d ouvir uns acordes, e com a esperança q issso não seja só conversa :)  

  4. # Blogger casual

    Seb, agora ficas o "empatas". Estás sempre a cortar nos projectos do pessoal. Já tenho o nome da banda há pelo menos 12 anos. Se for necessário enviamos uma cartinha com recheio de Antrax ou com umas meias do gen a esses maçaricos. Boas férias.

    mi, qt à banda nem eu sei :)

    kika, queres é conversa ;)  

  5. # Blogger Inkay

    Dani, conta cmg nesse grande evento chamado "Paredes de Coura"!  

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